30+ artists have taken part in Devolution Evolution by Tangled Feet from its beginnings in Summer 2020 to date. . .

The Artists
A multi-talented group of people from many different disciplines took part in responding to the same theme of The Catalyst.
From theatre makers to designers, actors to acrobats, stage managers to directors, Lockdown was a time to try and invest in the people that make Tangled Feet great with a number of paid days offered to artists to explore their process.
Artists taking part are all long term Tangled Feet collaborators with experience and commitment to devising methodology.
Artist List:
Jessica Andrade: Performance-maker, performer, aerialist www.jessicaluciaandrade.com/
Blayar Benn: Actor
Shaena Brandel: Aerialist, writer/director (Pirates of the Carabina)
Sarah Calver: Performance-maker; physical performer
Simon Carroll-Jones: Performance-maker, performer, movement director: www.simonjonestheatremaker.com
Cristina Catalina: Performer, translator, producer
Mario Christofides: Performer, founder member of TF, finance director
Gemma Creasey: Performer, circus/aerialist, teacher
Guy Connelly: Composer, Sound designer, songwriter, music producer: www.clockopera.com
Farrell Cox: Performer, circus/aerialist, clown
Tunji Falana: Performer & Producer
Josh Gadsby: Designer www.joshgadsby.com
Lydia Harper: Circus artist, performer, direcotr: Lydiaharper.com
Susan Hingley: Performer, writer, translator: www.susanhingley.com
John Hinton: Performance-maker; performer, writer, director.
Laura Hobson: Co-AD, Next Generation Youth Theatre; choreographer
Jenni Jackson: Performance-maker, performer, director, movement director www.jenniferjackson.net.
Rhys Jarman: Designer www.rhysjarman.com
Ciaran Kellgren: Performer, director
David Lloyd: Co-AD, Next Generation Youth Theatre (www.ngyt.co.uk) writer, director
Katie Lyons: Performer, writer
Barnz Munn: Aerialist, engineer, rigger (Pirates of the Carabina www.piratesofthecarabina.com)
Lee Nelson: Writer, performance poet
Al Orange: Aerial director, Stage/Technical Manager, Lighting designer and videographer
Shanez Pattni: Physical performer
Melaina Pecorini: Physical performer
Simon Perkins: Stage/company manager, artist
Alexis Ramsden: Dramatherapist & Co-founder of Tangled Feet
Sara Templeman: Performer, Co-founder of Tangled Feet, Social media & comms manager, Events producer & host www.goodtimegals.co.uk
Becky-Dee Trevenen: Designer https://www.beckydeetrevenen.com
Fiona Watson: Performer, clown
Support Team:
Ben Bodsworth: Luton Production Manager
Nathan Curry: Co-Artistic Director, Tangled Feet
Kat Joyce: Co-Artistic Director, Tangled Feet
Rae Leaver: Luton Producer
Sara Templeman: Artist Liaison Producer (and artist participating!)